

The Unsupportive

You may remember that, in my February wrap-up post, I said that I was aiming to be excited all of March. The whole month. I also mentioned that I hit a rough spot already, a rough spot that inspired this post. I want to share, because I don't think that I'm the only one.

More than likely, each and every one of us is going to have a person, at some point in our life, that is not going to be supportive at all. They may already be in your life, and they may not. They could be a friend, close friend, family member, etc. Hopefully, they aren't a family member, because it's the hardest when they are. Believe me, I know this from personal experience. They've been there since I first started writing, and are still there.

The Lie

The unsupportive people will tear you down. You can't talk about writing with them, because they ignore you, say they don't care, or say that what you are trying to do is dumb. And even though the words may not come out of their mouth, what they are basically telling you is that you're not capable of doing anything, not capable of succeeding. You'll never be good at anything. You know that difference you want to make? Yeah, that's never going to happen.

Unfortunately, after a while, you might actually start to believe them. You begin to question why you are even trying. What's the point? You're probably not good at it anyway. You get discouraged. Maybe you should just give up.

The Truth

They. Are. Wrong. I am going to tell you what my dad once told me: You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. And it's true! Don't let one person tell you otherwise. Besides, how many people have told you that you are good at what you're doing? A lot more than just one person, right?

God put this passion in us for a reason. He has given each of us different strengths and writing styles. We all have a certain genre in which we are really good at writing. Why? Because God is going to use us to reach different people. Not everyone likes the same books. And, He already knows which people He wants us to reach. Isn't that just so amazing and wonderful?! That alone, should keep you going, keep you striving to be the best you can be.

What I Do/ My Advice

To be perfectly honest, I believe the lie almost every time. But, every time I also find another reason why I need to continue. Yes, for me, the unsupportive person is family. But when they tell me that I can't do something, it only makes me more determined. When the right person says I can't do something, I am the type of person that says, "Watch me." (I don't actually say it, but you get my point.)

Not everyone is like me though. Talk to someone if you have to. I don't usually talk to people about it myself, but this last time, I did. And it helped. But most importantly, take it to God. Talk to Him about it. I mean, He gave you the gift and passion, so wouldn't He know exactly how to help you?

Also, pray for the person who doesn't support you. More than likely, they are struggling with something that you don't know about. Continue to be supportive of them even though they don't reciprocate. God loves them to.

But remember, you don't have to be a writer for this to apply. This can go for anyone. Don't let unsupportive people keep you from being happy and excited this month (and the rest of the year).

What about you? How do you deal with the unsupportive people in your life?

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