

Homeschooling- Part 1

This week went by really fast. So fast that I actually didn't even start thinking about what I was going to blog about today until Thursday... Oops. :P And because of that, today's post is just going to be something fun (and not quite as long). If you are a homeschooler, or used to be, you'll probably be able to relate. I, myself, am no longer homeschooled since I've graduated.

Warning: Sarcasm overload. (Just kidding, it's not that bad.)

Let us start.

For some reason, when we first meet someone, they always want to know where we go to school. (It's like they know) I'm sure that a lot of us dread the flow of questions we will get after we tell them. I know I did, and actually still do. But here's three popular responses we get:

 Response #1

We do have to go to school, we just don't have to leave the house.

Response #2

I don't really know why people assume that homeschoolers don't have friends, but they do. Granted, some of us aren't very social, but we still have friends. Some of us even have a lot. Yes, I know, it's crazy.

Response #3

Yes, and if we actually did have a secret society, it would probably just be a co-op. :P

Hey! Snow day! All the kids who go to public school are throwing parties because they don't have to go to school. But with homeschoolers:

Homeschoolers don't get snow days. It's more like, Hey, you can make it out of your room? Great, come on downstairs.

This here, is very true, people:

If you are not a fellow homeschooler, I don't recommend making fun of them. Especially, not in front of them. The only time you can do that is if you are really good friends with them, but even then, proceed cautiously.

I haven't had the opportunity to say this since I've graduated, but I can't wait until I do:

Haha, I can just see the confused looks I'll probably get. But this will, more than likely, still lead to a ton of questions. I'm sure that all of us have been tempted to just make something up at least once before. Please tell me I'm not the only one.

When homeschoolers graduate high school and move on to college:

I actually don't know how true this is, because I don't go to college. But if you do, on a scale of 1 to 10 how true is this?

If you are a homeschooler, but aren't proud of it, just remember, not everyone can say this:

And to wrap this up, I want to share a couple of pictures that I really liked (because who doesn't love LotR and Star Wars?), but didn't know how to incorporate them into the post. :P

All these pictures are from Pinterest.

So what about you? Can you relate?

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