

Avocado “Toast” + a Yucan Crunch giveaway (AIP & Paleo)

Avocado “Toast” + a Yucan Crunch giveaway (AIP & Paleo)

I went AIP before the big “avocado toast” craze began; however, thanks to Mission Heirloom’s Yucan Crunch crackers, I’ve been able to enjoy my own allergen-friendly version.

Avocado “Toast” + a Yucan Crunch giveaway (AIP & Paleo)

In December 2015, I had the pleasure of visiting Mission Heirloom in Berkeley, CA. Various AIP friends had highly recommended the paleo restaurant with many AIP options, but they also raved about Yucan Crunch crackers. I made it a point to try the Yucan Crunch and absolutely loved it—they really remind me of triscuits. I bought a bag on the spot & used it for breakfasts and snacks throughout the rest of our trip.

Avocado “Toast” + a Yucan Crunch giveaway (AIP & Paleo)

Fast forward to now and I’m still a huge Yucan Crunch fan. After my initial stash ran out, I ordered it several more times from the Mission Heirloom website, but luckily, procuring some is even easier these days because Yucan Crunch is now available on Amazon! And they're even Amazon Prime eligible!

Avocado “Toast” + a Yucan Crunch giveaway (AIP & Paleo)

To celebrate the Amazon debut of Yucan Crunch, I’m sharing my super easy avocado “toast” recipe. This is another recipe that almost isn’t a recipe due to how simple it is. But goodness, it is so tasty & really feels like a treat when I make it. Most often I’ll have the avocado toast plain, but it’s also delicious topped with smoked salmon or prosciutto.

Avocado “Toast” + a Yucan Crunch giveaway (AIP & Paleo)

Mission Heirloom has graciously agreed to give one of my readers FREE 4-pack of Yucan Crunch. Leave a commend on this post sharing how you'd most like to use Yucan Crunch crackers. This giveaway is only open to US residents and will run until Monday April 10, 2017.

Disclosure: I did receive a complimentary 4-pack of Yucan Crunch; however, this is a product I have happily purchased in the past & will continue to purchase in the future. I would never recommend a product I didn’t stand behind 100%. 

Avocado “Toast" 
yields 1 serving

1 avocado
juice from 1/4 lemon
Yucan Crunch, broken into large (or small) pieces
truffle salt, as needed (or other finishing salt of your choice.

  1. In a small bowl, mash the avocado with the lemon juice. 
  2. Spread the avocado/lemon mixture onto pieces of Yucan Crunch
  3. Sprinkle with truffle salt. Eat immediately :) 

Note: some people prefer to toast their Yucan Crunch in a skillet or under the broiler, but I most often prefer it un-toasted. Feel free to do either, depending on your own preferences. Please DO NOT toast it in an actual toaster, as it could cause a fire if pieces break off into the toaster. 

Avocado “Toast” + a Yucan Crunch giveaway (AIP & Paleo)
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