

Welcome to My Blog

Hello, friends, enemies, those of you who are on the fence. Welcome to my blog! This is my first blog ever, so I'm really excited and, at the same time, really nervous.

Why I'm Here

1) I love to write. This blog will allow me to write more, practice writing, and *gulp* share my writing. It will also help me to figure out, understand, and organize my own thoughts. (It's a confusing place, my head.)

2) Encouragement. I think that everyone needs encouragement, to a certain degree anyway. I want to encourage others, and this is one of the ways I can do that. As an aspiring author, I myself, will need a lot of encouragement. Those of you who are writers, know exactly why I say that. Writing is no walk in the park, people! On the contrary, writing is actually pretty much in between fun and torture. Okay, fine. It's usually a lot closer to torture.

3)  Connecting. I want to connect with other aspiring authors and already published authors. I want to give and receive help, tips, and encouragement from people who love writing as much as I do. Besides, fellow writers are really the only ones who can understand and relate to the struggles all writers go through, in my opinion.

I will say that there are a few blogs that I've been following for, roughly, the past nine months. Obviously, that means I know exactly what I'm doing. Not really. Any advice or tips you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Because I'm new at this, I don't know how often I will be posting. Right now, I'm shooting for at least once a week. Who knows, maybe it will end up being more. :)

But I don't want to leave without giving a huge thank you to Liz @ Out of Coffee, Out of Mind for taking the time to help me set up this blog. She was also the one who came up with the title. Isn't she creative? Thank you so much, Liz!

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