

The Inspire Me Tag

Yay, I got tagged! I can't believe it! *sees everyone staring* *quickly composes self* Ahem... I am calm.

Sorry, I'm just really excited that I got tagged. Honestly, I didn't think I would get tagged so soon, I mean, I only started blogging a couple weeks ago. I'm not complaining though. I'm totally okay with this. :D

So, first I would like to thank Hannah @ Ink Blots and Coffee Stains for tagging me. She made up this tag herself to celebrate her fiftieth post. Isn't that wonderful?!

And this is how it's going to work, people.


1. Copy these totally amazing and spectacular rules onto your post
2. Smile and twirl in a circle and look at your favorite inspiring thing and take deep breaths as you prepare for my amazingness
3. Thank your gorgeous, lovely tagger
4. Tag five other bloggers (or more. or less. or none. just whatever you want)
5. Have fun and be honest and answer all the questions (and feel free to add some of your own!)

Now *drum roll* the questions!

1. What is one of the most inspiring things to you?

Hmm, there are quite a few, but I think I'll say people. I don't know exactly why, but people are interesting to me. I like to watch people interact with each other. (Don't worry, guys. Like, 90% of the time the people are my friends.) There have been many times when I'll see someone do or say something and it gets my attention. And the first thing that comes to my mind is, "Why?" Why did they do, or say, that? This is basically how I get ideas for characters. Then, when I write, I try to think of different things that may/could have happened to that person to make them who they are today. And then there are those times when I'm walking around a store and meet someone in an aisle. (I don't talk to them, we just pass each other.) I tend to pay attention to how they walk and how they hold themselves. And going off just that, I try to figure out what kind of person they are.

Even though I could probably go on and on with this, I won't. But that's why people are my inspiration.

2. Where do you look for inspiration?

Well, I find that most of the time, I don't have to go looking for inspiration. It does a pretty good job finding me.

When I actually go and look for inspiration, I'd have to agree with Hannah, and say Pinterest. Apparently, quite a few people think that Pinterest is a waste of your time. I say that it depends on what boards and people you're following. Now, I actually use Pinterest to do research sometimes. Yes, that is possible. I also like to read people's blogs. When I actually have new posts to read, that is. And then there was this one time when I couldn't think of an idea for a story, so I googled "writing prompts".

3. When and where does inspiration tend to hit you?

Oh, inspiration really loves to hit me when there is no paper or writing utensils in sight! Sometimes I am convinced that inspiration hates me. (Because that is totally possible.) Some of my best ideas come to me when I can't write them down, which is really annoying because I'm not very good at remembering things for my WIP. And then later, I try to remember the great idea I had for that scene, but I can't. At least, not until three days later... after I've already written the scene.

Most of the time, inspiration hits me when I'm doing tasks that are simple or don't require a lot of concentration. I've found that when I'm doing tasks like that, my mind wanders, and I think of a wide variety of things, which can then lead to this great idea.

4. What's the first thing you do when inspiration strikes?

If it's a really great idea (great ideas are ones that get me really excited) I just stand (or sit) there and stare at nothing in particular for a few seconds. And then, I look around, trying not to look frantic, for a pen and paper. Once I have them, I write as quickly as possible, because it's the great ideas that will come and then just leave before I can blink.

To help you understand what happens. Here's what it's like for me: You enter your house to find a burglar rummaging through you stuff. He looks up, and when he sees you, he runs out the back door. But you were able to see his face because he wasn't wearing a mask or anything. Later, when the cops ask you to describe him, you struggle to remember because you only got a glimpse of what he looked like.

So, after I write it down, it doesn't sound as good as it was when I first thought of it. But I do manage to get the main idea.

5. What's the most inspiring book/song/website/etc. you've found?

Umm, I don't really have a specific one. Different books, songs, and websites inspire me at different times. It depends on the day and how I'm feeling. I know it's not really helpful, but I really never know what's going to inspire me until it actually happens.

But I suppose I could give you a song that is almost always inspiring. "Believe" by Josh Groban (if you've seen The Polar Express, then more than likely, you've heard this).

6. What's one piece of advice you would give to people struggling for inspiration?

If you're struggling for inspiration, my suggestion is to look back at your WIP, whether finished, started, or somewhere in the middle. Try to remember what inspired you to write that. Most of the writers I know, seem to go looking for inspiration. But I almost never do (most of my greatest ideas came to me when I least expected it). Just because it works for everyone else, doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work for you to. Try to figure out what works for you. It may take a long time, but that's okay. Be patient.

There you have it. I tried not to be confusing, but if you have any questions, any at all, please feel free to ask. :) 

I'm going to tag three people. Yes, I know, it's not five, but the rules say that I can tag less if I want to. The ones I'm tagging are:

If you like this tag though, and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged! :) If I tagged you, and you don't want to do it, you don't have to. There's no pressure.

So what inspires you?

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