

Don't Worry

You know one of the things that I love about writing? It doesn't have an age limit. It doesn't matter how old you are or when you finally make the decision. If you want to write, you can.

It wasn't until May last year, that I started taking writing more seriously. (So it's almost been a year. Yay!) I was already 18 by the time I made that choice. And then there are those who've known that they wanted to write since they came into the world. You know who you are. Yeah, I'm talking about you.

No matter how long it took you, you may wonder why it took that long to realize that you want to write, you want to become an author, you want to get published. But, we have to remember that there is a reason. God has a reason, a plan. You probably don't know what that is yet, and that's okay. Don't waste time worrying or stressing over it.

It could be that you weren't ready yet. I know I wasn't. I told you in a previous post, that I didn't even really learn how to write until I was 13. Yeah, I had learned about grammar, how to form sentences, and stuff before that, but it didn't make sense until then. Yes, I started taking an interest in writing books/stories when I was 15, but I still had a lot to learn. And not only about writing.

What I'm talking about now is life. I still had a lot to learn about life, before I could even start writing about it. Only today, did I realize that if I had attempted to write the books I am now, when I was 15, it wouldn't have gone well because I knew nothing about that side of life.

God has things that He wants to teach us and show us, so that we can share it with others in a way that will greatly impact them. It may take longer for some of us. Everyone is different. We all live different lives.

And, there is the possibility that it took you as long as it did because God knows that, by the time you are ready to be published, the people He wants you to reach will finally be at the point in their lives where they are ready to read your book. So keep that in mind. ;)

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