

April is Over

And now a third of the year is gone. This is ridiculous guys! It feels like I just did my wrap-up post for March last week! But, summer is just around the corner, so we have that to look forward to. :D  The weather has yet to make up its mind though. I don't know why it's having such a hard time, I mean, it's a simple decision really. *long pause* Anywho, let's get on with- what is this again? A monthly wrap-up post. Ah, yes, a... that thingy.


Writing went well this month. I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo for the first time, which was so much fun. I joined a couple Google Hangouts groups during that time and got to know some other bloggers. My goal was 10K, which I reached about a week ago. So the first 20K of the rough draft of RtO is written. About halfway into the month, I picked up Strangers again and started working on edits/second draft, because I would like to give that to my alpha readers by June 1st. If all goes well, I don't see any reason why that won't happen, but you never know. :P May looks like it's gonna be kinda crazy.


The Giver by Lois Lowry       Bound by Victoria Lynn       Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer       A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagears                                                          

Well... we stopped the five books pattern. :P Only read four this month. I blame Camp NaNo I think I may have been in a reading slump (which lasted much longer than I would have liked). But, thankfully, I seem to be coming out of it. I've been reading a lot more recently, and I have about five books going, give or take. I also have a pile of books on my bedroom floor that I want read in May. Again, I loved all the books I read this month (all of them got five stars). My favorite was probably Bound, which I did a review on last week.


My posts for the month:

Posts by other bloggers that I definitely recommend reading:

Note: Marrok's and Abi's posts are parts of a series, which are totally worth reading.


So you remember when I said in my last wrap-up that I was going to go on vacation and hopefully get my license? Yeah, well, neither of those happened. :( I couldn't send in my driving hours because I didn't know when I was going on vacation. And we needed to know that so we could make sure they didn't schedule my road test for a day that I wasn't going to be here. But, good news is, I have sent in my driving hours and I'm going on vacation for sure this month. Yay! :D Also, my birthday happened this month. But for some reason, I keep thinking that I'm still 18, not 19. :P

What about you? How was your April?

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