

Keep Going!!

So here we are, with less than a week left of NaNoWriMo. I don't know about you guys, but that went by kinda fast.

Today's post was inspired by Jem Jones post she did about a week and half ago.

Some of you may have already won NaNo (and if you did congrats! :D), some of you may be right on track, and some of you might be behind (don't worry, you're not alone. I'm right there with you).

So today, I'm going to share some writing prompts with you. Like me, some of you may be struggling to write, or you just don't know what to write next. I'm hoping at least one of these will give you some ideas. :)

I hope one of those inspired something! Go ahead and take one of these prompts and write a scene using your main characters. You may not think you could use it in your novel, but you never know. I did it the other day, and after I finished the scene, I realized that I just might be able to use it in my novel! :D But even if you can't, it will help you get to know your characters better.

Don't be afraid to stretch your creativity either! If one of these made you laugh, turn it into a sad scene instead, or vice versa. Have fun with it! :)

So how is NaNo going to for you? Which one of these prompts was your favorite? Do you think you'll try to use it?

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