

PHOTO DUMP// This Summer

So I've been seeing a lot of picture dump posts going up recently, and since I took a LOT of pictures this summer I decided to share some of them with you. :) I will say that, even though I've gotten better at taking pictures, I'm still not the best photographer. :P But I hope you like these anyway!

Back in June, my parents, little brother, and I all hiked a mountain. It was pretty steep and there were quite a few times when we had to climb onto rocks almost as high as I am tall. And I'm tall. :P Personally, I don't think the hike was long enough, but it was still a lot of fun! :D

The rocks on the right side of this path were almost as tall as me

There is a tunnel behind me, and I wanted to crawl into it to see how far and where it went, but I didn't have time. :P

This is a place where I went swimming three times this summer. And the next pic is of a sign that you see on the way there. :)

My friend and I thought this was really funny and cool :)

I didn't end up taking as many pictures on my days off as I thought I would, but here's a few that I did take.

I picked up a lot of stuff while we were on this beach.

I wasn't aware that my friend was taking a picture of me. He and my brother had climbed a rock, which I later climbed too. They had to spot me though because I'm not as good at rock climbing as they are. :P

This was when I climbed the rock, but I came up the other side. In this picture, I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to use the rope to get down.

This is a sign my dad and I saw while we were in this coffee place. We bought seven pounds of coffee there. :D

I only got pictures of one sunrise and one sunset this summer, and here they are.

The benefits of getting up at 3am :)

So which one is your favorite? :)

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