

"The Reluctant Godfather" Blog Tour

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Reluctant Godfather blog tour! :D (Now, this is my first time participating in a blog tour I totally know what I'm doing so bare with me.) This novella is a amazing, and everyone needs to read it!!

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What, that's not good enough for you? Okay, well, how about this then!

About the Book

A humorous and magical re-telling of Cinderella from a unique perspective.

Burndee is a young and cantankerous fairy godfather, who would rather bake cakes than help humans. A disgrace to the fairy order, Burndee has only two wards entrusted to his care... a cinder girl and a charming prince.

A royal ball presents Burndee with the brilliant solution of how to make his wards happy with the least amount of effort. He'll arrange a meeting and hope the two fall in love.                                                                
My Review

5 stars

This was such an amazing book! I totally would have read it in a day but, you know, life kinda got in the way. I haven't read many fairy tale re-tellings, but I can say that this is unlike any Cinderella re-telling that I've ever read.

For one, it's told from the fairy godfather's POV! Yes, you heard me correctly. I said godfather. How cool is that! And to make things even better, he doesn't want to be a fairy godfather!

And second, those plot twists! A lot of re-tellings tend to be kinda cliche, but not this one. There were quite a few times where I was like, "That's not how it was in the original Cinderella story."

Is there anything that you should know about before you read this novella? Nope! It's totally clean, and I would recommend this for all ages. So if you like snarky characters, and you like fairy tale re-tellings, then you should definitely consider reading this novella.

About the Author

Allison Tebo is a Christian homeschool graduate in her mid-twenties, who works part time as a sales associate for a major transportation company. A graduate of London Art College, Allison pursues avenues in cartooning and illustrating as well as singing and voice acting.

In her spare time she writes and blogs at It is her goal to write fiction that appeals to many different kinds of people, by writing clean, classic fun.

Her faith in Christ directly influences all she writes about - or does not write about. Whether the story possesses a strong message or is simply fun and imaginative fiction - her desire is to bring honor to God - and to provide quality stories for everyone to enjoy.    

I have the opportunity to interview this beautiful girl, and she is more than willing to answers all my questions. What? . . . No, of course I didn't kidnap her. What kind of person do you think I am? *nervous laughter*

So, Allison, my first question may be kind of hard. I put a lot of time and thought into how I was going to word this, so, you know, everyone will understand what I'm asking. Are you ready? Here it is. Why do you write?

I write because I must - the stories are inside of me and they must come out!

Ah, yes, I can totally understand that. Actually, I'm sure all of us writers can understand that. :P So what is your favorite part of the whole writing and publishing process?

'flustered - then laughing' There are many times when I feel like I hate the whole process! (but I can't stop, despite all obstacles) Let's see. . . definitely drafting - especially when I'm either inspired or writing off of a very detailed outline. Those are wonderful moments.

There have been times when I feel like I hate the writing process too. But, speaking of being inspired, what inspired you to write The Reluctant Godfather?

I had just returned from a vacation and I think my mind was really relaxed and I was trying to sleep (all good combinations for sudden explosions of creativity) and the whole idea suddenly popped into my head - most of the details, including dialogue for the end finale was suddenly there, rolling around in my head. The whole story was there, I just had to write it down.

Oh, doesn't inspiration just have the most wonderful timing ever? It's like, "Hey, I'm gonna go to sleep now- okay, never mind!" That's great though, that everything came to you all at once. Maybe a little overwhelming, but still great! Who was your favorite character to write/work with?

Burndee. 'coughs' - rude characters just flow out of my fingers and they are so much fun to write.

Yes!! I love rude characters! Some of my all time favorite characters are rude. And I agree, they are fun to write. :) What is your favorite genre to write in?

Definitely fantasy (including the sub-genres, such as fairy tale retellings) and science fiction (including sub-genres such as steampunk).

I've been reading more books in both of those genres, but mostly fantasy, and now it's one of my favorite genres. :) And, just for fun, what is your favorite genre of music? Do you have a favorite singer?

A-ha! This is an easy one! Oldies/vintage music is my absolute favorite - 1940s through the 1960s - that music is the greatest! As for my favorite singer - that's a tougher one. I'm going to have to list the first ten that come to mind. Josh Groban, Mark Vincent, Dean Martin, Elvis Presley, Trini Lopez, Anne Murray, Deanna Durbin, Bing Crosby, LeAnn Rimes, Connie Francis.

Oldies are so good! I'm actually familiar with more than half of those names (kinda surprised myself there :P). Thank you so much for stopping by, Allison! It's been a pleasure having you here. :)

Before you all go, I want to let you know that Allison is hosting a giveaway and everyone should enter. There's a lot of cool stuff! Here I'll show you:

I know that all of you want to enter now, so here's the link to the giveaway.

Have a nice day everyone! And thanks for stopping by! :)         

What about you? Have you read The Reluctant Godfather?

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