

My Firsts!

So, since I'm on vacation, I figured it be a good time to share something with you. Today I will be sharing some poetry... that I wrote... myself. I've only been writing poetry for about a month, maybe more, so I'm not very good yet. So far, I've only tried free verse, and the following two poems are the first ones I've ever written. I hope you like them. :)

All Those Times

All those times
We laughed at the stars,
And how they could not decide
Whether to shine or not.
When really,
It reflected the choice
We struggled to make ourselves.

Can I show my true colors,
The real me
I want so desperately
For someone to understand?
Or will I be rejected,
Tossed aside
And once again
Labeled nothing, trivial?

I feel as if
It will never end.
Maybe it will always
Be this way.
They say that
Some things never change,
And maybe that is true.

But I have to believe
That one day,
I will find my light,
Just like one of those stars.
And I will shine
For all I am worth,
For I have found
My place in the night sky.


You are hiding
By why?
Have I not done enough
To gain your trust?
I have shared so much
About myself.
And even though
You have too,
I feel that there is still
So much more.
So much more that
Not even the closest to you
Has seen.
You keep your true self
Under lock and key.
For such a warm
And caring person,
You seem to be suspicious
About everyone
And everything.
But let me tell you
One thing,
And that is,
You can be yourself
With me.

What about you? Do you like poetry? Do you write poetry, or at least tried to?

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