

2015 Reader Survey

Sweet Treats 2015 Reader Survey

Today’s post is a little bit different... I am conducting my first Sweet Treats reader survey that I’d love for YOU to fill out :)

Every answer is completely anonymous & you don’t even have to answer all the questions (there are only 14 of them), if you don’t wish to.

I want to make sure that “Sweet Treats” is the best site it can possibly be & serve you how you need it most! 

To access the survey, click the photo at the top of this post, follow this link, or see below.

Thanks so much!

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Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (Paleo, Low FODMAP, AIP Reintroduction, Whole30)

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (Paleo, Low FODMAP, AIP Reintroduction, Whole30)

After my Autoimmune Protocol reset, which I began in July, I was a little more selective in my reintroduction process decisions than I was during my initial AIP adventure. It is perfectly normal to wait longer than 30 days to reintroduce foods, but since I was also combining AIP with low FODMAP diet, I was concerned that perhaps my diet was too limited for longterm health. Remember, neither AIP nor low FODMAP diets are meant to be followed forever. Sure, elimination diets are really important for the process of figuring out things your body may or may not tolerate, but once you experience elimination of symptoms & gut healing, it is a good idea to add back items as your body allows. Not only can it increase your nutrient sources, more variety can have a profound psychological effect & make going out to eat or socializing with friends much easier. 

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (Paleo, Low FODMAP, AIP Reintroduction, Whole30)

For this second round of reintroductions, egg yolks and green beans were the first two items I decided to reintroduce. Why did I chose egg yolks? (We’ll leave the discussion of green beans for a future post) Egg yolks are really nutrient dense, full of good fat-soluble vitamins and a plethora of minerals. Plus eggs are a great source of choline, which is something my integrative doctor discovered I’m deficient in. Choline is also important for methylation, and because I am heterozygus for a couple of the MTHFR gene mutations, I just happen to need some extra help with methylation. Sorry if I just went way, way too technical, but I believe it is important to concentrate on nutrient density and the “whys.”

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (Paleo, Low FODMAP, AIP Reintroduction, Whole30)

For actually incorporating the yolks into my diet, making a paleo-ified carbonara has been my go-to dish. Plus, who doesn’t love a meal that reminiscent of pasta! Traditional carbonara features and egg yolks, cheese (usually parmigiano-oregiano, or pecorino romano), bacon or pancetta, and pasta. To keep things within paleo parameters & my personal food sensitivities, I used pastured, soy-free egg yolks, omitted the cheese, kept the bacon & substituted cooked spaghetti squash for the pasta noodles. In addition, because I’m all about adding nutrient density wherever possible, I added some chopped scallion (green parts only, to keep it low FODMAP), chicken thighs (for protein), and flat-leaf parsley. We’ve enjoyed this dish so much that I’ve made it almost weekly.

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (Paleo, Low FODMAP, AIP Reintroduction, Whole30)

If you’re interested in more information about the AIP reintroduction process, this reintroduction guide from Eileen at Phoenix Helix is a great resource. Eileen’s podcast “The Phoneix Helix Podcast” also has an episode about reintroductions. Or Sarah Ballantyne has written about the process in her book, The Paleo Approach, and in this article.  

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (Paleo, Low FODMAP, AIP Reintroduction, Whole30)

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara
yields two generous servings

4 strips Bacon
4 medium chicken thighs, organic/pastured preferred
60 g (approximately 1 1/3 c) Chopped Scallions, just the green parts if you’re watching FODMAPs
380 g (approximately 2 3/4 c) Cooked Spaghetti Squash (see notes below) 
3 ea Egg Yolks, pastured & soy free preferred, separated while still cold 
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
2 Tbl Chopped Parsley
  1. In a large skillet (cast-iron preferred), fry bacon over medium heat. If not using a cast iron skillet, use a little bit of oil in the bottom of the pan, as needed.  Set aside. 
  2. Cook the chicken thighs over medium heat in residual bacon grease. Chicken takes approximately 10 minutes on medium heat, or until reaches an internal temp of 160 F. Set aside to cool slightly & then cut the chicken in to cubes. 
  3. In the same skillet, briefly sauté the scallion. Add the spaghetti squash & garlic oil. Add some additional olive oil (or other fat of choice) if the ingredients begin to stick. 
  4. In a small bowl, whisk together the yolks, & coconut milk. 
  5. Pour the yolks/milk into the skillet, over the scallion & spaghetti squash. Stir constantly & continue cooking for a minute or two, until the squash begins to absorb some of the sauce--we’re not trying to make scrambled eggs. 
  6. Remove from the heat. Add half of the bacon, cubed chicken & parsley. Toss together to combine. 
  7. Divide between two plates & add the remaining bacon, chicken & parsley. 
  8. Serve immediately. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator. 

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Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Vegan)

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Vegan)

Why yes, this recipe is the third “Pumpkin Spice”-type Beverage I’ve posted on the blog in the past three years. My food options have changed pretty dramatically, in these three years, but I still refuse to entirely give up my favorite things, including “Pumpkin Everything” in the fall ;) I simply have to adapt my favorites to fit in to my personal needs.  You can find last year’s Paleo Bulletproof Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe here and 2013’s homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe here.

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Vegan)
I *may* have gone a bit crazy buying squash last week... :) 
This summer, I gave up coffee when I went back on the elimination phase of AIP. In lieu of coffee, I now drink tea bulletproof tea in the morning. Usually, I make myself a Matcha Jasmine Tea Latte, but once September hit, I began dreaming of a pumpkin spice beverage. Even if our temperatures are still in the 90s and it does not feel remotely like fall, I still wanted it to taste like fall :)

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Vegan)

An interesting prospect of this year’s spiced pumpkin (tea) latte development is that I haven’t had a “proper” PSL in three years. Forgive me if you’re a PSL aficionado... You may not think this one tastes like the real deal, also because it relies on black tea instead of coffee. But for someone who can't have a "real" one, I think it's pretty amazing.

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Vegan)

In addition to changing the base liquid from coffee to tea, I also played around with the spices. I found out earlier this year that I have a sensitivity to ginger & thus also needed to further adapt the AIP pumpkin pie spice blend I developed last year. Feel free to add a dash of ginger, if you so like, but I really don’t miss its flavor (and my inflammation levels thank me for not consuming it).

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Vegan)

No matter if it feels like fall where you live or what dietary constraints you need to follow, I hope you’re able to enjoy a spiced pumpkin / pumpkin spice beverage & savor it’s delicious, spicy, autumn flavor.

Note: Pumpkin is high in FODMAPs if consumed in large quantities, but since this recipe only has two tablespoons of puree in the entire batch, it should be safe for most people. Monash University states that canned pumpkin is low in FODMAPs in quantities of 1/4 c (2.2 oz) or less. You could alternately substitute another roasted, pureed squash variety, such as Kabocha squash. 

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP)

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte
Yields one generous serving or two small servings

14 g (1 Tbl) Coconut Oil
8 fl oz (1 c) Brewed Black Tea (I use Choice Organic Classic Black Tea
2 fl oz (1/4 c) Coconut Milk (make sure it doesn't contain any additives) 
2 Tbl (20 g) Pasture-Raised Collagen, optional but will increase the protein & nutrient density of the beverage; omit if vegan 
9 to18 g (1-2 tsp) Organic Grade B Maple Syrup
1/4 tsp Mace  (may sub nutmeg if not AIP)
pinch (1/16th tsp) Ground Turmeric
OR 1 tsp of my AIP Pumpkin Pie Spice 2.0 (recipe below) 
  1. Begin by brewing the black tea, if it isn’t already made. 
  2. Add the coconut oil to a high speed blender vessel (I use the smoothie cup from this model ) . Pour the hot black tea over the coconut oil. If necessary, reheat the tea, either on the stovetop or in the microwave. The tea needs to be hot enough to warm up the other ingredients. 
  3. Add the remaining ingredients on top of the tea & coconut. 
  4. Blend until frothy & well combined. 
  5. Pour into one large mug or two small ones. Dust with a little additional spices, if desired. Serve immediately. 
AIP Pumpkin Pie Spice 2.0
8 g (4 tsp) Ground Cinnamon
4 g (2 tsp) Mace
2 g (1 tsp) Ground Cloves
  1. Stir ingredients together.
  2. Store in a spice jar. Use wherever you would use pumpkin pie spice. 
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Beef Stew (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Whole 30)

Beef Stew (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Whole 30)

Traditionally, as summer moves to fall, many people’s preferences move from grilling to braising and roasting. I confess that even though it was considered seasonally inappropriate, I kept braising and roasting throughout the summer. I blame it on my new favorite kitchen appliance, my Instant Pot (or as my mom refers to it, a “turbo crock-pot”). 

Beef Stew (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Whole 30)

With the help of my Instant Pot  I’ve been making this beef stew since July when I originally went back to strict AIP & added a low FODMAP component. I didn’t know if it was possible to make palatable beef stew without high FODMAP ingredients like onions, shallots, garlic & mushrooms. Brainstorming different vegetable options & changing my mindset of what were “necessary” stew ingredients allowed me to create this really phenomenal stew. 

Beef Stew (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Whole 30)

My preference these days is to make as many things in my Instant Pot ,  as possible, but since I realize that not everyone may have this particular appliance, I’ve written out stovetop approximations too. One of the other things I appreciate about this recipe is that it is comprised of primarily “staple” ingredients, or ingredients that I generally have on hand all the time. Carrots, and rutabaga are really hearty veggies that keep in the refrigerator for a good amount of time. Leek greens, if stored properly, can also last a while. I keep meat, broth, and bacon in the freezer at all times. And in a pinch, dried herbs can be substituted for fresh ones. 

Beef Stew (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Whole 30)

The stew is really great on its own, but if you want to bulk it up further or serve it for a celebratory meal, I also like to serve it over mashed (white) sweet potatoes or squash. And I’ve often added a few spoonfuls of braised greens (I love this recipe from the Paleo Cajun Lady, & usually make it with chopped swiss chard & bacon & omitting the garlic to make it Low FODMAP) to the stew to up the vegetable content. Additionally, the leftovers freeze beautifully & there’s nothing quite like finding a jar of delicious beef stew in your freezer on a day when you’re not in the mood to cook.  

Beef Stew (AIP, Paleo, Low FODMAP, Whole 30)

Note on FODMAPs: FODMAPs are confusing things... Certain resources will say that one item is “ok” and other resources will list that item as “avoid.” I am choosing to get my information about FODMAPs from Monash University & their app. Monash is continually updating their information & they are great about listing what quantity of food (both by volume & by weight) keeps it within the low FODMAP guidelines. As always, though, you know your body best. Just because one list says a food is fine, doesn’t always mean your body will be fine with it. Or on the flip side, just because one list says a food is on the avoid list, doesn’t mean your body is automatically going to be bothered by it. Do what makes your body & mind feel the best.

Low FODMAP Beef Stew (AIP, Paleo, Whole 30)
Yield’s 6 to 8 servings 

2 Tbl solid fat (I used duck fat, but bacon drippings or lard could be substituted as well) 
2 lbs Grassfed Beef Stew Meat 
4 strips Bacon, cut into small pieces 
2 heaping cups (approximately 140 g) chopped leek greens and/or scallion greens (I used a mix of the two) 
2 heaping cups (approximately 425 g) chopped carrots 
2 heaping cups (approximately 365 g) cubed rutabaga 
1.5 c bone broth
1.5 c red wine (I’ve used both merlot and cabernet sauvignon) 
2 dried bay leaves
1 Tbl salt
Few sprigs of fresh thyme & parsley, plus additional for serving 

Instant Pot Instructions: my preferred method of cooking 
  1.  Add the fat to the insert of an Instant Pot . Turn the pot onto “Sauté” & allow the fat to melt. 
  2. Dry the meat very well. Brown the beef on all sides, in batches, in the sautéing Instant Pot --it usually takes me three batches to brown 2 lbs of stew meat. Remove the browned beef & set aside. 
  3. Sauté the bacon & leek/scallion greens in the Instant Pot until the bacon begins to crisp & the leeks/scallions begin to wilt. Stir occasionally. 
  4. Add the carrots & rutabaga, broth, wine, and browned beef. Stir to combine. Tuck the bay leaf & herbs into the mixture. 
  5. Place the top on the Instant Pot & make sure the vent is closed . Pressure cook using the manual setting for 50 minutes at high heat. Note: the entire process will take longer than 50 minutes because it does take time for the pot to come up to pressure. 
  6. Once the machine has beeped, allow it to switch to the “keep warm” function or turn completely off for 15 minutes to let the pressure come down a bit. Use a silicone oven mitt or heavy kitchen towel to move the vent from the “sealing” position to the “venting” position. Allow all the steam to escape then it is safe to open the lid.
  7. Serve the stew on its own, or along side a starchy vegetable. Adding extra cooked greens is also a great option. Sprinkle with some extra chopped herbs just before serving. 
  8. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer. 
Stovetop Instructions 
  1. In a large dutch oven, melt the fat over medium high heat. 
  2. Dry the meat very well. Brown the beef on all sides, in batches if necessary. Remove the browned beef & set aside.
  3. Sauté the bacon & leek/scallion greens until the bacon begins to crisp & the leeks/scallions begin to wilt. Stir occasionally.
  4. Add the carrots & rutabaga, broth, wine, and browned beef. Stir to combine. Tuck the bay leaf & herbs into the mixture.
  5. Bring to a simmer, reduce the heat to low, cover & allow to gently cook for 2-4 hours, or until the beef is tender. 
  6. Serve the stew on its own, or along side a starchy vegetable. Adding extra cooked greens is also a great option. Sprinkle with some extra chopped herbs just before serving. 
  7. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer.
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